Wildfire Explorer
Track Wildfires in Real Time & Big Picture Insights
Cornea brings world-class wildfire incident information directly to fire officials and residents at risk.
Wildfire Explorer tracks wildfires in real time, explores historical trends, and employs forecast tools. It is powered by data from NIFC, NASA FIRMS, Inciweb, and more. Wildfire Explorer is uniquely powerful: it is the only public tool that displays live hotspots along historical fire progression.
Wildfire Explorer Gets the Big Picture

Real Time
Real-time access to mapped and table views for all active and historical fires in the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico

Aggregated fire information for a high-level overview

Custom Reporting: Data warehousing and custom reporting – at local, state, national levels
Detailed information on every known U.S. wildfire
Real-time access to mapped and table views for all active and historical fires in the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Updated Hourly.

Incident Management

Fire Progression

Active Hotspots

Weather + Wind


Latest News

Communication Channel

Platform Strengths
Wildfire Explorer offers key strengths as a platform, both for residential (free) use, and client solutions:

Top Tier Data
Powered by state of the art information from NIFC, Inciweb, NASA FIRMs, Air Now and NWS

Top Tier Support
World-class site design, site support, data and quality control, and SEO/SEM for our users in the wildfire community

Top Tier Accessibility
Wildfire Explorer is a web app available to everyone, no downloads required. It is rendered in HTML plaintext that is easily accessed by translators, screen readers, and accessibility agents.