by Tom Harbour
Firefighters/first responders want to survive and succeed despite the complex and unpredictable environments the face. They believe in their sisters and brothers.
Chiefs and Agency Administrators want to be effective and efficient leaders. They believe in first responders and in the work they have been tasked to do.
Everyone views incidents from varying, individually crafted, perspectives. Fire, emergencies, and disasters unite us.
Cornea is honored to work alongside these individuals to bring them the information they need to improve their probability of success.
While success means different things to different people, we can all agree the best emergencies are the ones that never happen, followed by the ones we are thoroughly prepared for, and from which we fully recover.
Agency Administrators and first responders often face difficult questions about wicked problems. They share concerns, but they do not share the same consequences from the risks they face. Some face immediate consequences, particularly in the face of fire, while others face indirect consequences.
Risk can never be eliminated from the chaotic world of fire or disasters, but the risk can be managed better with better information. Cornea believes, “better information, better decisions”.
You do too.
Knowledge is power, and harvesting, fusing, and analyzing the data important to firefighters and their leaders is critical towards empowering the future. Shared knowledge establishes trust going forward.