Predictive intelligence for unpredictable environments
Cornea transforms complex fire science through advanced machine learning into actionable insights for governments, businesses, and responders.
The Problem
Current wildfire models are informed by outdated assumptions,
Cornea’s cutting edge solutions are designed for today, tomorrow, and beyond.
Increasing Wildfire Severity
The impacts of climate change are directly contributing to the increasing frequency, number, size, and duration of wildfires, which in turn perpetuates the climate crisis itself in a destructive feedback loop.
This strain is felt across the public and private sectors as governments, first responders and organizations alike must adapt their strategy and operations to these evolving circumstances in order to accurately assess and mitigate existing and future risks.
Lack of Technology Solutions
Fire Managers and Agency Administrators routinely expose themselves to incredible danger in an effort to combat wildfires. Incident Management Teams lead these efforts most often without the support of modern technology solutions and instead rely, in part, on outdated tools and resources.
Cornea’s platform uses current and local environmental factors, as well as predictive analytics of fire behavior in order to empower response, recovery, and mitigation leaders with vastly improved decision support systems.
Growing Complexity of Risk
Just as responders and government agencies are feeling the impact of climate change, so too are private sector stakeholders who are seeing a near-constant change in their business operations. From impacts on employee wellbeing to infrastructure vulnerabilities and financial risks, strategic and operational business decision-making has become inextricably linked with our climate.
Cornea provides real time and predictive models with proprietary risk analytics, backed by fire science, to inform decision makers of structural and financial risks and support in planning for and mitigating such risks.
Our Solutions
Clear and practical insights for complex problems
Fire Behavior Analytics
Fire behavior, modeled in real time, customized to your needs
Understand fire behavior during active incidents and plan for future wildfires to mitigate risks. Our Fire Behavior Analytics tool is designed with users in mind – transforming complex models and calculations into actionable and user-friendly insights to support and inform critical decision making.
Our scalable, machine learning platform compiles vast data sets and performs rapid analysis for fire suppression, control and risk mitigation, while enabling customizable data and analysis for your specific needs.
Incident Intelligence
Your incidents, your data, all in one place
Cornea’s incident intelligence and decision support tool is built to help manage critical events. With a user interface that was designed to be clear and straightforward and data visualizations arrayed for multiple levels of stakeholders, it provides users with an enhanced operating picture across any jurisdiction.
The secure and minimalist architecture provides agencies and decision-makers the ability to capture and record incident-level data through their own trusted personnel, ensuring that key incident metrics are tracked and aggregated. The tool’s multiple user-access levels serve to improve visibility and coordination between all stakeholders by showing users data tailored to their level of responsibility.
Who we serve
Public Sector
The public sector is the foundation of the entire wildfire community.
Public sector leaders and wildfire stakeholders are in need of real-time technology to minimize risk to responders and the public, ease the impact of perpetual resource constraints, and provide leaders with enhanced situational intelligence to inform their strategic and operational decisions.
Cornea’s platform supports enhanced decision-making in managing and preparing for wildland fires. We enable Incident Command Teams to deploy firefighting assets informed by the latest scientific research on fire behavior, coupled with the analytical power of real-time machine learning models.
Private Sector
The private sector sits at the forefront of climate adaptation and environmental risk mitigation.
As our climate changes, so too do the risks and uncertainties of the impact of climate disasters. Organizations need accurate insights and models that incorporate not only leading science but also public sector perspectives for a comprehensive view of wildfire and climate change will impact their business. Understanding risk factors, in context and at scale are vital to making sound, justified, and forward-thinking business decisions.
The Platform
Proven scientific research and fire data
Suppression Difficulty Index (SDI)
Weighs simulated fire behavior against possible suppression activities.
Potential Control Lines (PCL)
Predict likely fire control lines as determined by supervised models.
Fire Behavior Components
Including Energy Behavior, Energy Release Component, Fire Perimeters, Ignition and Burn Probabilities, Satellite and Remote Sensing Data.